I was thinking about it this morning, and my life has changed so dramatically in the past year. I wouldn't change it for anything!
one. Gone to Kennesaw. Somehow God always finds a way to get things done that He wants to. Though KSU was not even in my radar when applying to schools, I am so glad I went. It really ended up being far past my expectations and I've met some great people. I've been able to rise to my full potential, academically and socially. If you told me a year ago where I'd be this year, there's no way I would have believed you.
two. Went to Echo. Once upon a time, I kept getting invited to this campus ministry at ksu. I finally caved in and went, and I'm so glad I did! It has been a tool to grow me spiritually. It's a great time of fellowship, which I think is so important at a school like ksu (since most commute). Along with that, I'm happy I/we started Thursday night dinner before Echo. It keeps growing and I'm excited to see what God will do with it!
three. Worked and Quit. I started working a real job this year at Starbucks, and I learned so much about responsibility. I'm thankful for my time at the Dunwoody Village Starbucks (Chastain, not so much...), and I don't regret quitting. Now I'm doing work that better suits my skills.
four. Doing stupid stuff. This year I did a lot of stupid things, like the time I went road tripping the night before an exam. These things defined my year and will be ever-present memories for me. That stupid stuff ended up shaping me to become better.
four and four quarters. Realization. This year I came to cognizant of how I really know nothing, and that life just is. Every ounce of planning I could do would never matter. God has a far greater plan then anything I could ever even write about.
amen sistah