Monday, January 24, 2011

Story time: Reindeer

two. My friend Amy and I have a bad habit of mounting reindeer during the Christmas season. Call it childish, but it's fun. One year we went over to a disclosed neighborhood in Dunwoody and found the perfect set of deer. The lights were off in the house and deer were the kind that moved their heads. We mounted the deer and raced away.
The next day I get a text from Amy telling me that nobody had taken the reindeer off of each other. Every day that week I would get a text saying that it was still there. It seemed that the owners of this couple had been away for the break.
To this day, I'm still surprised that nobody took down those deer. Mate for life, friends.
And here's the evidence:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Story Time: (^$%&$@#^

For the next five weeks or so, I will be posting four and four quarters stories from my life. Some may be funny, some serious...I really haven't decided.

one. Back in my junior year, I went through a stage where I was working towards cleaning up my speech. This mainly came in the product of me sans cussing. With some slip ups here and there, I had made it 2 or so years without cussing. In the summer before I started college, Lindsay Ives, Jay Bowen, and I had all decided to go see Rocky Horror Picture Show at the ghetto fried and fabulous, Peachtree Cinemas. Afterwards, we headed to Waffle House for a 3 am breakfast. We were playing cards and in my utterly delirious state I dropped the F Bomb. No, not a simple "hell" or "dam (like the water holder, of course)." The Full Monty, the F Bomb. Lindsay and Jay stared at me in disbelief as I realized what I just said. I had gone two years until that moment. Blame it on Rocky Horror, blame it on the hash (browns, you crazies).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I have been home over this long break. Sometimes when I get bored, these are things I like to do. Feel free to experiment when you go home for a weekend/holiday!

one. Sometimes when my mom (Ginga Payne, G Payne, G unit, Miss Payne, House of Payne, Gin, Aunt Gin, etc...) is trying to go to sleep at night I'll run in her room and do a bucking bronco on her mattress. Now let me explain the bronco. When my sister and I were little we use to jump on the mattress on all fours and kick our feet up, so we looked like we were, well, bucking broncos. Anyway, the other night I did this and hit the ceiling fan and now it's busted. Party foul.

two. In our office, we have a 7 foot tall bookshelf. There's no way the cats can jump up or down from it, so I just put them up there. I may or may not have forgotten they were up there a few times.

three. I don't have TV at my apartment so anytime I'm home I like to watch all of those shows that I would never spend time during the semester watching. Some of those shows include (all guilty pleasures): Keeping up with the Kardashians, 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, and Family Guy. Ginga has grown to love 16 and Pregnant. She thinks it's classy.

four. I got this wonderful mahogany back scratcher for Christmas (dream big, friends). My cats have fallen in love with it. The other night I was poking Jasper (my tux cat) with it and he grabbed the other side towards him while I was pulling the other side towards me. It was basically a tug of war situation. I lost. Yes, I'm ashamed.

four and four quarters. I really enjoy stretching my vocal cords when I'm home. This includes singing my cat's name in operatic fashion anytime I see them. Freckles' ears started bleeding the other day.