one. The most trouble I ever got in at school is when I locked myself in a locker as a joke...and then couldn't get out. A teacher had to come get the lock off.
two. My freshmen year of college, I told people in one of my classes I was majoring in baby making. Round of applause for the Mrs. degree.
three. My friend Lindsay Ives and I used to throw things out of the window at people walking by. Stapler? Sure. Scissors? Even better.
four. This one didn't happen to me, but I still think it's hilarious. At Dunwoody High, they had someone who was urinating around the building in various places. HAHA I still laugh at that.
four and four quarters. We decided to market my Asian friend, Annabella Chang (ABC for short), for homecoming queen (which by the way, got her in the top five). We put up signs around campus saying "I have a dream that one day we'll have an Asian homecoming queen" and posted freaky pictures of Michael Jackson with "ABC, easy as 123." That last one was taken down by the admin immediately. Sexual reference? Never.